True Good Samaritans, Tiffany and Kermit Walker, a father-daughter duo, are committed to providing clean and affordable housing across the OKC metro. For the past three years, their affordable housing organization, Good Samaritan Solutions, has removed some of the barriers preventing many people from getting housing. Through Good Samaritan Solutions, individuals pay a single rental fee for space in a shared, fully-furnished home with three or four other adults. The organization pays for the other rental expenses such as utilities, so residents are only responsible for food and their personal items.
When deciding on a bank, Ms. Walker went back to what she knew—First Security Bank. Dating back to her grandparents, the Walker family always maintained personal banking accounts with FSB, so when she started to take a day-to-day role in the business, she immediately knew she wanted to have that same level of personal connection and relationship with the people who help her with her business banking.
“I used to tease my dad that he was like the bank’s resident celebrity because of how much they would just love on him,” said Ms. Walker. “It wasn’t until I went in with him one day and realized that he really did know these people and they really knew him.”
With FSB’s commitment to connecting with and caring about people, the Walker family knew FSB was the bank for them.
“I have a little brother who has special needs and whenever there is a bank event or activity, the folks at FSB always make sure they invite him,” said Ms. Walker. “He plays a major role in our family and our family businesses and the bank has embraced him. They greet him by name when he walks through their doors - that puts a huge smile on his face and means a lot to me and my entire family.”
Get in touch with Ms. Walker to learn more about Good Samaritan Solutions by emailing info@gssresources.com.